Monday, September 28, 2015

The Journey Continues

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1).

Many times over the past 5 months I have been reminded that fundraising is a marathon, not a sprint, and it can only be done with absolute faith in God. That has never been more evident than now as I move into the final 18% of the support raising journey. There comes a time in every marathon when the runners have to reach the point of being radical, some would say even crazy, in their attempt to finish the race. Many would say that MAF pilots and staff are radical in their approach to life. Not only because of the situations in which they operate, but because they shun the ideals that the world holds as important. From leaving comfortable secure lifestyles, to depending completely on God for financial support, to then operating in remote, often primitive and dangerous, situations for perhaps the rest of their careers.

At the Camrose Airport Fly-In Breakfast
Sunday, May 31st
At the end of May I was able to set up a MAF display at the Camrose Flying Club Fly-In Breakfast. It
was interesting to see all the different airplanes and speak to people about the work of MAF. I was able to see some old friends and make some new ones. Then on June 7th I was able to speak about MAF at the annual Zinger Fly-In Breakfast just outside of Coronation, it was a good opportunity to meet new people and have detailed discussions about the work of MAF. Speaking to groups of pilots is good because they more fully understand the need for and the effectiveness of airplanes in remote areas of the world.

At the MAF fundraiser auction back in April we had sold a number of scenic flights. As a result of one of those scenic flights I was able to fly out to Waldheim, SK on July 27th and 28th with my aunt and uncle. Through some contacts in the area I was able to meet some new people and speak to them about the work of MAF. While I was there I also had the unexpected opportunity to speak about MAF at the local Mennonite Brethren Church. It was nice to share with my aunt and uncle the joy of flying and the unique perspective seen from a small airplane thousands of feet above the surface of the earth. From that altitude you get an appreciation for just how small we really are. When looking at creation from that perspective, I have often remarked that I don’t know how a pilot would be unable to believe in God. To see the world from a bird’s-eye view makes it absurdly obvious that an intelligent Creator is responsible for all that we see.

WIFI Bibles in PNG
A MAF Pilot Demonstrating the WIFI Bible
Here’s a bit of interesting news about MAF airplanes utilizing smartphone technology in PNG. A new project has started that uses a wireless digital Bible, or WIFI Bible, to allow passengers to download the Bible and other Christian resources. The WIFI Bible is a small wireless server that is distributed by Christian Radio Missionary Fellowship. It is accessed through a WIFI connection and the content is free to access and download. MAF Netherlands has funded WIFI Bibles for all the MAF Bases in PNG and battery powered WIFI Bibles for every pilot’s bag! That means we should be able to equip all the pilots and bases with a WIFI Bible by the end of this year, so that MAF customers have the chance to download Gospel music, the Bible in several languages, Jesus films and other Christian resources. Check out to find out more about this project.
In early August I will be heading out to British Columbia for a fundraising trip. This trip will allow me to follow up on the contacts that I made when I was out there in March. Then I will be taking some personal time for a vacation to spend time with family before I turn my focus to preparing to leave for PNG.

At this point in time, the forward looking schedule is as follows: I will start my transition and Cross-Cultural Training in September. Then I will go to the MAF International headquarters in England for two weeks in early November for Orientation. Following that, I will head to Mareeba, Australia for my final Flight Training and Standardization in January and then from there I’ll make the final move to Papua New Guinea!

To make this timeline possible we have launched the “Final Push To PNG” fundraising campaign. On June 22nd we launched the final fundraising campaign with 22%, or $1100/month, of the support remaining. Currently there is 18% or $950/month to go. Thank you to everyone who joined my team to help make this possible! But we have a way to go yet...

100% of the outgoing support has already been raised. From now on, any one-time donations will be divided into the monthly total. With those financial needs in mind, would you prayerfully consider supporting the first four year term of ministry at $50, $100, $200/month or whatever the Lord lays on your heart?

I am hoping to reach this ministry target as soon as possible so that I am able to serve the people of PNG through MAF. Thank you so much for your consideration and for your incredible support!

If you would like to help with financial support and/or prayer support that would be great. You can donate to this ministry online, by phone, or by mail. Please designate your donation to go towards Ryan Cole. If donating by phone, call toll free 1-877-351-9344. If donating by mail, please make your cheque payable to Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada. If donating online you can follow this link:

If you are unable to give financially but still want to be a part of this, then please feel free to sign up for my MAF newsletters by sending me a message at

If you know of other people who would be interested in hearing about this work with MAF, then please spread the word. Because the more people that know about this, the better. Check back to find out about events where I'll be speaking about MAF.

Thanks for reading this and thank you so much for your support,


To donate by mail, send your cheques to:
MAF Canada
264 Woodlawn Road W.
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 1B6

For USA donors online:

More Info:

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