Saturday, June 04, 2016

Completion of the Commencement

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. And in this I give advice: It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completion out of what you have. For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have. For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened; but by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may supply their lack, that their abundance also may supply your lack, that there may be equality. As it is written, ‘He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack.’”    2 Corinthians 8:9-15

It’s surprising how hard a few verses can hit you when you are not ready for it. These ones in particular threw me for a loop recently and I am still trying to sort it all out in my mind. Through His words God spoke very strongly to me in regards to my time here in PNG as well as MAF’s mission here. But His words also speak to each of us individually, whatever circumstances He has put us in.

The initial few months here in PNG seemed like a very slow buildup to what has become a very busy flight schedule. The last gasp before the plunge. The calm before the storm. Since I wasn’t a part of the flight operations in March and April, I was trying to build a solid foundation for what I hope will be years of effective service here in PNG.

In March I was busy taking classes to learn the Tok Pisin language. I can read and write the language with only a little difficulty, but learning to speak it clearly will take some time. Mostly when I try to speak it I just fumble my way through it and hope I get my point across, usually with lots of animated hand gestures. But all in all the classes were a good learning opportunity.

I was fortunate to arrive here just a few weeks prior to the annual MAF PNG conference weekend. Once a year all the ex-pat MAF staff get together for a time of rest, relaxation, teaching, and to update everyone on the direction that the PNG program is headed in. So at the end of March we all went and spent the weekend at the conference center at the S.I.L. base in Ukarumpa. It was a good weekend of getting to know some of the other staff and socializing in a relaxed atmosphere.

After the conference weekend, my schedule started to get a little busier. I wrapped up the Tok Pisin classes at the beginning of April. Then in preparation for joining the flight operations I began to study the manuals for the Twin Otter and for MAF procedures. But before I could start flying I had to complete the initial orientation.

Arriving at Kaiam
April 12, 2016
One crucial part of the orientation process is learning to comprehend the lifestyle of the people who live in the remote bush. Serving the people in the remote villages is one of the main reasons we are here. So to try and better understand them, since their way of life is so vastly different from those who live in town, every new MAF family goes to a remote village for one week to live with the people. I had that opportunity in the middle of April when I went to the village of Kaiam. A MAF volunteer, Sam Haab, also went with me. Kaiam is located northwest of Mount Hagen and on the northern edge of the PNG highlands. On April 12th we flew to the Kaiam airstrip and were greeted by the few families that live in the immediate area. Then we watched with detached fascination, and a little anxiety, as the plane flew off and left us to manage as best we could with our limited understanding of the Tok Pisin language. During our week there, Sam and I had the unique opportunity to see a side of PNG that most people never get to see. We toured the village, talked with the people, ate with the people, worshipped God together at their small church and went on walkabouts into the jungle surrounding the village. We saw how they build houses, grow gardens, and how they pan for gold. It was strikingly obvious just how grateful they are to have the help of MAF and other missionaries. After fifteen years of work, MAF was able to do the first ever landing on the brand new airstrip at Kaiam just over a year ago. Since then there have been a couple of lifesaving medevacs, and medical supplies and other important items have been flown in and out. Anton Lutz and his family (Lutheran missionaries) have been involved in the development of this area for over thirty years, building the airstrip and bringing in medical supplies. You can read more about that week in the posted story “The Village the World Forgot.”

At a Bush Village During My First Day of Flying
May 2, 2016
After I got back from Kaiam I started flight training in preparation for joining the flight operations. Since I have flown the Twin Otter before in Alberta, I was able to do an abbreviated training course at the end of April. Then on May 2nd I flew my first flights and officially joined the MAF PNG flight program. Because I needed to be trained in the day-to-day operations here, the first two weeks in May were spent flying out of Goroka instead of Mount Hagen so that I could fly with an experienced captain and he could teach me some of the details that allow us to get our work done. Those first two weeks were very busy and intense with my brain working on overload most of the time. So that I would be able to get up to speed as quickly as possible, I only had a few days off the rest of the month. It was very fatiguing, but God sustained me and enabled me to learn what was needed, particularly during those first two weeks. Fortunately, on the last weekend in May I was able to take a break and get some much needed rest. Some friends and I took a road trip to a lodge in the mountains on Lake Kutubu and spent the weekend relaxing and having fun. We had a good time.

Now that the initial month of flying is over, there is only a few more details to take care of before I can settle down into the day-to-day flight routine. In June I will be doing a few flight tests to show that I meet the standards required by MAF. Then on June 17th I will be doing an oral exam about the PNG aviation regulations. I would appreciate your prayers for a successful outcome for all those tests.

Here are a few links to photos so you can see more of what I've been up to. Enjoy!

MAF Flying in May
Building a Health Center in a Remote PNG Village

Thank you for all you support,

More Info:

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