Monday, February 01, 2016

Short Updates

November 26, 2015
My work permit for PNG has been issued, still in the process of getting the visa. I'm filling my days here in Gove by helping out in the MAF hangar. They are a little short staffed at the moment so it's been good to be able to help. I'm slowly getting used to the heat and the humidity (but I'm missing the snow). I will leave Gove on January 21 to fly back to Cairns for the standardization training that starts on January 25. Thank you for your support and your prayers.

December 9, 2015
My visa for PNG has been approved. I will be picking it up at the PNG consulate in Cairns when I go back there in January. Thank you for your prayers and your support!

December 22, 2015
Working on an Airvan in the MAF hangar in Arnhem Land
Work continues here in Arnhem Land. With three full time engineers + one apprentice to maintain over a dozen airplanes there is always another inspection/repair to do. The rains have come, so it is not so hot. But the humidity has skyrocketed. For Christmas I will be spending the day with a MAF family that has invited all the single MAF'ers over to their house. It should be a good time. And to wrap up, here is some pictures of the local creatures here in Arnhem Land.

January 17, 2016
Almost ready to start the next phase of this journey. On Thursday I will be leaving Arnhem Land and flying back to Cairns and Mareeba to start flight standardization. The time here has been beneficial. I've been able to help with the shortage of engineering staff while learning about the mechanical details of the GA-8 Airvan (one of the planes I'll be flying in PNG). Now the coming 4 weeks of intense training and testing will help to better prepare me for the flying in PNG. Check back for pictures and updates.

February 1, 2016
Last week I started flight standardization in Mareeba in Australia. It's good to be flying again. But the training course is very intense. It's a mix of ground school review and flight exercises. Since I haven't flown the GA-8 Airvan before this course, it is also taking a bit of work to be able to fly it smoothly. The course goes until Feb 19th. I would appreciate your prayers for a successful completion of this course. 

Thanks for your support.

More Info:

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